Wendi Chen


Hi, I'm Wendi Chen and you can call me Andy. I'm now a junior from SJTU, majoring in Computer Science. I'll share the techniques or projects I worked on in recent days on this page.

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Wendi Chen's github stats

📊 Weekly development breakdown

From: 20 June 2024 - To: 27 June 2024

Python        33 hrs 16 mins  ███████████████████▒░░░░░   77.45 %
YAML          4 hrs 54 mins   ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   11.43 %
Makefile      4 hrs 22 mins   ██▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   10.18 %
Text          10 mins         ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   00.42 %
Bash          4 mins          ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   00.16 %

Selected Projects

StreamRipper 💻

python mitmproxy rqlite

avatar StreamRipper is an adaptive distributed network cache on LAN. It provides an acceleration service for Bilibili.

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Didi Visualizer 📊

cplusplus Qt

avatar A cross-platform multi-thread GUI which can analyze Didi demand data and provide valuable suggestions. This is a project for CS241, SJTU.

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I used Verilog to implement a 5-stage pipelined MIPS processor. It has many advanced features including forwarding, branch-not-taken and cache.

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RISC-V CPU Simulator 💻

cplusplus riscv

In this project, I implemented a RISC-V simulator supporting RV32I Base Integer ISA through C++. It has a 5-stage pipeline to enable parallel execution. Also, data & control hazards are handled through forwarding and dynamic branch prediction.

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Gobang AI 🎲

cplusplus Qt

Here’s an interesting project I finished in summer holiday. With a 6-step searching depth and alpha-beta pruning, this AI is capable of beating a novice in Gobang. Besides, it’s the first GUI application I developed through Qt.

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In addition, I like to develop some useful tools which simplify workflow. Here’re some examples below.

SJTU & FDU ICS Generator 📆


This is a script that helps SJTUer and FDUer to import their class schedule into mobile phones.

SJTU version and FDU version are provided.

Professional Services

Teaching Assistant for

